Congratulations Dr. Hamzah Elrehail on Publication in the European Journal of International Management, Scopus Q1

Congratulations Dr. Hamzah Elrehail on Publication in the European Journal of International Management, Scopus Q1

Last Updated on October 7, 2021

Congratulations to ADSM’s Assistant Professor of Management, Dr. Hamzah Elrehail, on his recent article publication “High-performance work systems, psychological capital and future time perspective: a cross-nations study”. 

This was published in the European Journal of International Management, Scopus Q1 and WOS impact factor is 2.507.

This study explores central questions related to the connections between a firm’s High-Performance Work System (HPWS) and its ability to foster the positive employee outcomes, Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and Future Time Perspective (FTP)